"I WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND FEEL SEEN!!" A Conversation with Ash Tuesday

What things do you do to care for yourself at home while not touring, to ensure you fill your creative well? 

I really appreciate a good long walk with my dog. Mostly without headphones, but if I do listen to music I try to put on an album I haven't heard before so i’m at least hearing something new and potentially inspiring. Reading/watching/listening to new stories, different creative mediums like doodling or writing prose poems, different avenues of thinking/talking to myself…..

How do you cope with “post tour blues” as we like to call it, is it even a thing you experience?

I've only been on two tours and neither were super long but yes 100%! It hit a little while after cause at first I was just relieved to be in a room all by myself (no offense to the gand (girl band) <3) but after a week or 2 it hits! I think for me it's less coping and more understanding that financially or even physically it just might not be the right time to tour. It's a lot of stress on your mental and physical load so just appreciating not having to worry about any of that is a good perspective to have. Also appreciating that that experience was a good time and will (hopefully) happen again one day!

What does daily life look like for you currently? Do you have a day job - or some sort of side hustle to supplement money for being a musician? What do you do for work?

Oh absolutely. I work at a local coffee shop in my hometown called Oh Honey! I also have another social media work from home job and those two combined pay the bills. My money from tour is virtually non existent and streaming revenue is just a little treat i get every 2 months or so.

How much do you make off streaming, once the label, and management and everyone is paid out? You don’t have to name the amount, but does it help you? What are your opinions on streaming in general?

Ugh streaming is such a double edged sword because on one hand the exposure aspect alone has opened doors for independent artists who previously wouldn’t have “made it” into the music industry. It’s eliminated some of the luck that goes into “making it” so for that i’ll always be grateful to apps like spotify…. but oh man has it made us lazy consumers. I feel like there used to be so much more respect for full bodies of work even up to the 2010s that is just not really there anymore. 

As far as what I make, it helps cause any money helps, but realistically no lol.

Do you feel like you’re seen as childish for pursuing music as a career?

Hmmm probably a little. I think any big whimsical dream you don’t give up by like 22 is going to be met with perspectives like that, but I am the youngest so I sometimes like being likened to a child. people also think (for good reason) the music industry is fickle but I’ve had relatives able to do music for a living so it’s a bit more practical in my eyes than someone who hasn’t seen a real life example of that. But to answer your question, yes lol. 

Have you thought about quitting music? What prompted it and what ultimately caused you to want to continue?

I think numbers (streams, followers, etc.) play a big part in my insecurities with music as I'm sure most artists can relate to. But at the moment I'm having fun and making a little money off of something I'd be doing anyway… (I guess my greed outweighs my sometimes bruised ego.)

What’s the most “extra” thing you have brought on the road? Alex’s bass player once brought a body pillow.

After I completely lost my voice in philadelphia, Isabella (Splendi) my drummer lent me her garment steamer to help moisturize the pipes. I certainly felt like a diva!

 I feel like most bands have a weird inside joke- what’s one that you or your band have together?

So my touring band (shouts out Isabella aka splendi, Lia aka nectarine girl, and Leanne) had this running joke where anytime anyone was even slightly kind to us on the road we’d say “get in” (as in get into leanne’s mom’s minivan she let us borrow). the silliest time to me was the gas station clerk in the middle of nowhere North Carolina. I cant even remember what he did exactly… but trust me, he needed to get in…

What do you want the audience to take away from your live show? 

Most importantly I want people to have a good time and feel seen!! I always leave The Front Bottoms having had the best day of my life because the energy they invoke is just so playful and fun. There's funny banter, crowd interactions, beach balls, confetti, it's literally a party dead ass…. I cant wait to get to that level of performing where everyone’s just having a great time. (oops I think this was supposed to be about me but I somehow turned it into the front bottoms promo)

Who are you listening to currently that inspires you?

Oh the list is endless but I'll condense: Los Campesinos, Heatmiser, The Front Bottoms, Slow Pulp (whose albums Moveys & Yard have always been perfect to me but hearing them live omg, I'm tearing up just thinking about it…), Pavement, and Tanukichan!! All zany artists who really seem to know what they want to sound like. 

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